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 1. Science Friday Podcast Alaskan People and Climate Change -- SciFri 2007060822  Alaskan People and Climate Change  
 2. John Bellamy Foster Ecology, capitalism and socialism  Climate Change Social Change Conference April 12th 2008 Sydney  
 3. John Bellamy Foster Ecology, capitalism and socialism  Climate Change Social Change Conference April 12th 2008 Sydney  
 4. John Bellamy Foster, Patrick Bond, David Spratt, James Goodman Climate change and its social roots  Climate Change Social Change Conference -- April 11th 2008  
 5. Patrick Bond, John Kaye, Stuart Rosewarne, Renfrey Clarke Climate change solutions:what role for the market?  Climate Change Social Change Conference Sydney April 12, 2008  
 6. Patrick Bond, John Kaye, Stuart Rosewarne, Renfrey Clarke Climate change solutions:what role for the market?  Climate Change Social Change Conference Sydney April 12, 2008  
 7. Roberto Perez Cuban experience: the challenge of fossil fuels and climate change  Climate Change Social Change Conference -- Sydney April 12, 2008  
 8. Roberto Perez Cuban experience: the challenge of fossil fuels and climate change  Climate Change Social Change Conference -- Sydney April 12, 2008  
 9. Pip Hinman, Dick Nichols, John Rice, Cam Walker, John Bellamy Foster Stategies for winning  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 10. Matt Thistlethwaite,John Kaye, Dick Nichols Power privatisation and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 11. Matt Thistlethwaite,John Kaye, Dick Nichols Power privatisation and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 12. Mark Diesendorf, Adrian Whitehead, Stephainie Long, Roberto Perez Transitions to sustainability  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 13. James Goodman, Ian MacGregor Climate change and the global south  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 14. Tim Gooden, Ben Courtice, Cam Walker, Steve Phillips Protecting jobs and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 15. Tim Gooden, Ben Courtice, Cam Walker, Steve Phillips Protecting jobs and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 16. James Goodman, Ian MacGregor Climate change and the global south  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 17. Damien Lawson Why we must ration the future  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 18. Simon Cunich,Vanessa Bowden,Mel Barnes,Ben Courtice Radicalising the Australian Climate Change Movement  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 19. Mike Barker Elite co-option of the environment movement  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 20. Patrick Bond Equity in energy consumption: getting the prices right for people and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 21. Hans Baer Critical anthropology of global warming  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 22. Mike Barker Elite co-option of the environment movement  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 23. Mark Diesendorf, Adrian Whitehead, Stephainie Long, Roberto Perez Transitions to sustainability  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 24. Mark Diesendorf Sustainable energy solutions  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 25. Mark Diesendorf Sustainable energy solutions  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 26. John Bellamy Foster Marxism and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 27. Pip Hinman, Dick Nichols, John Rice, Cam Walker, John Bellamy Foster Stategies for winning  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 28. Hans Baer Critical anthropology of global warming  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 29. Terry Townsend, Lauren Carroll Harris Individual and collective solutions: getting the balance right  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
 30. John Bellamy Foster Marxism and the environment  Climate Change Social Change Conference  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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